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How to Make Your Life Less Taxing and More Profitable

Viewing your accountant as someone who does your taxes is like viewing your doctor as someone who takes your temperature when you’re sick. But, like a good doctor, a good accountant is best seen regularly for the health of your business or personal finances, before a crisis arises. Christopher Hunt & Associates, PC differs from other accounting firms: We specialize in working on your long-term health and wealth by helping you plan for financial success and resolve IRS problems. As accountants and advisors, we work with individual taxpayers and businesses in both arenas. Below are the critical reasons we partner with our clients.

Individual Taxpayer Services: How We Cure Your Financial Pain

Your financial future and your taxes are sending you in a panic.

You need to protect your assets and your future. Avoid crippling mistakes when dealing with taxes and retirement planning through our solutions:

Business Services: Three Business Killers That We Help You Conquer

#1: You have a great product, but you are lacking tactics.

Just a few years ago, in 2012, a client came to us with a great product and a great story behind his product. The problem was, this client had no money. None. He barely had a roof over his head after losing his job to the 2009 recession, struggling to provide basic survival needs for his family. Our firm helped him locate sources of capital and develop a comprehensive plan that – just three years later – will return a projected $1 million in sales for 2015, a 200 percent increase in sales over 2014.

You need to build a plan for growth and to protect yourself from failure. Turn the overwhelming or impossible into doable actions through our solutions:

#2: You’re spending money and time that you will never get back.

You need to achieve the highest net profits possible. Balance cost and revenue and get your time back to focus on the big picture of your business through our solutions:

#3: You have IRS problems that you’re more afraid of than death.

IRS representation is an arena most accountants don’t handle – because it takes a disproportionate amount of skill, expertise and guts, all of which the established staff at Christopher Hunt & Associates have been cultivating for more than 30 years.

You need to resolve issues with the IRS and other tax agencies. Our solution:

  • Tax problem resolution and IRS representation: The IRS can seize your assets without ever charging you with a crime. As covered in The New York Times, the IRS seized this small business owner’s bank account just because she was depositing less than $10,000 at a time. We can help you settle with the IRS based on what you can pay, not based on what you owe, through the government’s Offer in Compromise program. Whether you turn to Christopher Hunt & Associates or elsewhere, don’t go about this alone.

For a complete list of our services for individual taxpayers and businesses, please see our Services page.

Make your life less taxing. Request an appointment today by clicking here, or call 206-463-3301.